Below are list of some Astrology Organizations
Click on each link to learn more about organization.
Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN)

Click here to visit AFAN website:
AFAN is a network linking and informing the international astrological community. With AFAN you will always know what is happening to and for astrologers. AFAN's unique non-hierarchical structure links the local astrologer to the steering committee through regional coordinators and is the foundation of the Network.
Media accountability and public information are top priority, on-going projects for AFAN Networker. AFAN offers Networker guidelines and prepackaged material that presents astrology to the public accurately and persuasively. Through Media Watch AFAN monitors the press and responds, correcting inaccurate or biased print and electronic media accounts.
We vigorously network people with helpful resources and material like the AFAN Legal Information Kit. AFAN's Legal Information Committee has been extraordinarily successful in changing laws restrictive to the practice of astrology.
AFAN works with other organizations and individuals to provide funding for various astrological projects, grants and scholarships. Additionally, AFAN surveys existing sources in astrological education, sponsors International Astrology Day and co-produces (with ISAR and NCGR) the United Astrology Conference (UAC).
Members are the lifeblood of AFAN, they provide the ideas, energy and the reason for AFAN's existence. For information on joining AFAN call 1-800-578-2326, or write to: AFAN, PMB 537, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 or e-mail: Our web site is
International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR)

Click here to visit ISAR website:
The International Society of Astrological Research, Inc. (ISAR) is one of the world's most established and respected professional astrological organizations. ISAR is dedicated to encouraging international relations and research related to the study of astrology, particularly in regard to the correlation of cycles in human activity with those of astronomical cycles. ISAR works to promote the highest standards of quality in astrological research and practice through:
- Accurately promoting data accuracy and the reporting of sources.
- Networking with other organizations (both astrological and non-astrological) to provide the best educational and software resources available worldwide into the correlation between astronomical phenomena and human activity.
- Sponsoring valuable research to build upon the body of scientifically founded evidence relevant to astrology.
- Actively supporting thoughtful dialogue in the field of Mundane Astrology and the correlation of astrological signatures to current social, political, and economic issues.
- Creation of the "Professional Astrology Speaker's Bureau (PASB)," which is designed to organize lecture tours of professional astrologers throughout the United States.
ISAR has supported the creation of the Rodden-ISAR Databank (known originally as "RID," and now as "IDEA") as an extensive resource of quality data on disk for research astrologers. The IDEA databank contains some 90,000 data of persons and events in over 300 categories.
ISAR sponsors many quality research projects relevant to the basis of astrology or to current issues and events. Some of this is sponsored in the form of financial grants. ISAR's quarterly journal, KOSMOS, also brings timely research and current topics before the community. In addition, ISAR sponsors or co-sponsors major conferences throughout the world in which top researchers, software developers, and teachers in the field of astrology come together to share ideas and their most recent findings. The United Astrology Congress (UAC), the largest astrological conference in the world, was co-founded by ISAR in 1984. UAC has established long overdue recognition and rewards for professionalism in astrology through community involvement in faculty selection, profit-sharing and peer recognition. UAC is a model of excellence in networking, education, and professionalism that leads the way for others in the astrological community.
From pursuing quality in data to providing astrology across broad areas of application, ISAR is dedicated to serving the astrological profession as it enters the 21st century.
For information on joining ISAR, INC., a non-profit corporation based in Los Angeles, California, call 1-805-525-0461, or write to: ISAR - PO Box 38613 - Los Angeles, CA 90038.
American Federation of Astrologers, Inc (AFA)

Click here to visit AFA website:
Welcome! The American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. has a world of astrological information available for you.
Established May 4, 1938 at 11:38 a.m. EST in Washington, D.C., AFA's goal is to encourage the study of all scientific methods of astrology to encourage the spread of astrological knowledge and understanding throughout the world.
Membership is available to all those interested in astrology who support AFA's Code of Ethics. Advanced membership (AMAFA) and professional membership (PMAFA) are earned by examination. Members receive a monthly bulletin, Today's Astrologer, which features astrological articles and information.
Call 480-838-1751, Toll-Free 888-301-7630, FAX 480-838-8293, E-mail or write PO Box 22040, Tempe AZ 85285 for convention and membership information. We're here to serve you and are happy to answer questions. Just let us know what you need. Although we're unable to provide individual chart interpretation, we can refer you to an accredited astrologer. We're waiting to hear from you.
— The AFA Staff
National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR)

Click here to visit NCGR website:
NCGR is an organization with more than 2600 members and over 40 chapters throughout the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and Russia. The focus of the organization is on astrological research and education.
The NCGR Educational Curriculum was created in 1979 by a group of astrologers representing most major astrological disciplines. The program was designed to provide an extensive survey of astrology for those who participate and to give structure to astrological studies in order to raise the standards of the field for both students and teachers.
The program consists of four levels. There is an exam for each level which must be passed before the student can proceed to the next level. The material covered on each level is as follows:
Level I provides the building blocks in the foundation of western astrology. In order to pass a proficiency examination at this level the student must comprehend the signs, planets, houses, personal points (Ascendant, MC, Moon's Nodes), major aspects and their configurations; and be able to apply them in natal interpretation. In addition, the student learns to calculate a natal chart for any geographical location. Also covered are definitions of various schools of thought in astrology with emphasis on understanding their tradition but not their techniques.Astronomy is studied on each level, becoming increasingly more detailed as the student progresses. The topics introduced on Level I include the solar system, eclipses, retrograde motion and solstices. These are developed in greater depth at the higher levels.
On Level II natal delineation is reviewed. Minor aspects, lunar phases, derived houses and fixed stars are added to broaden interpretation. The dynamic elements of astrology (which include transits, progressions, etc.) are also introduced on this level.Calculations include relocation charts, transits, progressions, solar arc directions, declinations, the Vertex, the Equatorial Ascendant, and antiscia (solstice points).
Level III includes mundane charting such as ingress charts. It also covers the subjects of horary and electional astrology, synastry, solar and lunar returns and the history of astrology. On this Level the 360 and 90 degree dials are introduced for more precision.
Level IV solidifies the information of the other levels and adds rectification (which can incorporate many techniques). Once the rectification requirement is passed the student may specialize in consulting, technical research or general research.There are Study Guides available which describe in detail the material covered on each level. All four guides (which are printed together) may be ordered by sending a check for $6.00 (made payable to NCGR) to: Joan Negus, 175 Harrison Street, Princeton, NJ 08540.
Astrological Association of Great Britain

Click here to visit AA website:
For nearly sixty years, The Astrological Association of Great Britain has been serving astrology by informing and bringing together astrologers from all over the world. Whatever your area of interest or level of expertise, from beginner to professional, we're sure you'll find our website an invaluable resource.
On the website you'll find news, views and features from some of the leading lights in the astrological world. You will find extracts from the Association's publications The Astrological Journal and Correlation with details of how to subscribe to these along with the Astrology and Medicine Newsletter.
The Astrological Association was founded at 20:22 BST on 21 June 1958 in London.
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